Golden-B(33684) Fabric Recliner lounge
Model: Golden-B(33684) Fabric Recliner lounge
Features: Golden-B Electrical Recliner sofa is smart and great for entertainment. The high-quality foam fully supports your body and helps you sit back and relax. Featuring a bold armrest along with soft-touch sensor button to relax and a great range of colors to choose from Golden will be an amazing piece in your home.
Stocks available now
can be ordered in Fabric and leather
Choice of colors
For details please email:
or visit show room: Shop 2 (Ground Floor), 219 Parramatta Rd, Auburn, NSW,2144
or phone number: (02) 9748 2488 time (10:00am-5:00pm)
or Fax: (02) 9748 2788